About Me

Grenoble la nuit

I'm Benoit Rospars a software engineer based in Grenoble, France. Working at Inria since January 2018. We (Inria Learninglab) are producing courses and developing learning environments on FUN and building our own open source mobile learning platform ePoc.

I have 11+ years experience working in startups, research and web companies. Indie Hacker at night building tools such fliqr.codes (File sharing using QR Codes) and sharing my journey in web development.

  • Freelance (Malt) (2016 - 2024) :

    Various freelance missions mainly on frontend javascript frameworks and wordpress plugins and theme developments.

  • NewQuest (2017) :

    Prestashop and Wordpress web development (master internship), focus on frontend (js) and responsive design (sass).

  • Impactiv (2013 - 2016) :

    Development of a digital signage app based on AngularJs, NodeJs and Node-Webkit.


Want to get in touch ? You can send me a mail via my contact page or send me a tweet.


Date Type Description
01.2018 Software engineer at Inria
09.2017 Master Degree
09.2016 Frontend developer at NewQuest
07.2014 Frontend developer at Impactiv
07.2014 Professionnal licence graduation
08.2013 Intership at Impactiv
07.2010 Baccalaureat graduation

About this site

This site is made using jekyll and hosted on Github Pages under brospars/brospars.rospars.me repository. All code or snippets you see on this site are free to use.